Tuesday 18 December 2012

Introduction and Origins of MisoSoup247

Gather around friends, Its' MisoSoup247!
Right now I am just a digital artist (hobbyist) and I draw fanart of games, sometimes anime and make comics based on games. My drawings aren't so great though but in the future I hope it becomes something unique...

I'm 17 years old and I'm not sure about my future and career. About 7 years ago I always wanted to
make my own game after years of playing Harvest Moon: back to nature.. yes that game was so addicting!!! Yes...so when I was 15 I studied 'a bit' about game development and such and tried making my own game using..um i think the programs I tried using were "Game creator" and "RPG maker X"... I spent many weeks trying to make a game but after getting the end result of a game
where you are a watermelon that 'earns" points by eating strawberries...I decided that being a game developer wasn't my thing...my next choice was to become an Animator!!!
(I should also note at this time, it was near the end of the year 2010 and I had joined deviantart. I site
 for all artists and such. http://misosoup247.deviantart.com/ )

 (Part of my first project and animation about Zombies and such... o_o)

So I was now 16 and 10th grade in high-school (2011) ... I had downloaded Macromedia Flash MX and looked up some basic Stick Figure animation tutorials. I had some fun and figured maybe this was my thing... though it was frustration at times using a mouse to draw. I focused on animating for a few months and realized that I give up a lot and way to easily. I could never stick to one project for more than a day before giving up on it... I then started to draw..well..anything, using Flash and my mouse, I still did some short random animations though. After a many months passed and I had come across Minecraft and started drawing pictures of it.... I realized I liked 'drawing' more than animating! :O

(I was still using a mouse to draw things and man was it really hard at times! also at this time I sort of
 found my style of drawing things.. kind of..)

Yeah, I started drawing a lot of minecraft things and submitting it to groups on deviant art, this made me get some recognition for myself! actually it was 'very little recognition' compared to many other famous deviant artists out there but even if it was very little it made me happy! :D (well at that time...yeah)

 (my first comic and it was at this point where my skills with drawing with the mouse were much more refined..BUT it was stiiiiiiillll hard drawing with a mouse... and I never knew drawing tablets existed  at this time...no really, i didnt!!! arghhhhh ._.)

Year 10 finished and it was now end year holidays...but I had lost all my motivation and I was in a slump.I could no longer draw anything..."gawd i hate my mouse!" were one of the many thoughts I had in mind during that time. I guess my main thought was " WHY AREN'T I FAMOUS YET!? D:<" .. yeah i guess I actually reeaaaaaaaaaaally wanted to make a name for myself... but instead of attempting to do something about it....i did...


I spend the majority of December playing a certain Nexon game...*COUGH*********COUGH* 

(i....really regret playing that game >_>)

..i played that game for probaly 3 weeks straight before quitting due to it making me really angry for some reason.hmm.... I should also probably note this was the first fps shooting game I have ever played...*sigh* so the week after that....i...I dont really remember what i did o_o
I didn't have much friends so I didn't go out at all...i think i just read manga or something... 

Anyway it was now Christmas eve and my sisters planned for me to dress as santa or something along those lines...they were up to something no good for the big Christmas party they planned for the next day...I of course had a plan to avoid their plan! (come to think of it...why didn't i just refuse their idea? :S) So that night I told one of my few friends whether they had any plans or not... he didn't! My friend uhh.. lets call him Bob (heh, his name is actually Bob!) allowed me to crash at his place that day. So when i went over, we spend the day playing games watching random vids and such... it was late night and he went sleep but i was still wide awake... I was searching his computer for any games that seems fun to play by myself. thats when..I came across a certain game that was similar to minecraft.. it was Terraria. Yeah i played that game for probably until the next morning! it was a blast and it gave me that 'feeling of inspiration'.. a similar feeling to when I had first started drawing minecraft pictures! I went home that morning after wishing my friend a Merry Christmas!

 (first picture of my series 'the Adventures of MisoSoup247 in Terraria")

Before I started drawing anything I first played Terraria for 2 weeks non-stop! It was now 2012 and i was starting VCE (ehh just think of it as a fancier way to say you are doing the last 2 years of highschool where im living o-o) So after the playing, I became a member of the terrariaonline forums..though I felt a bit 'late to the party'. I made my thread and started posting short comics based on my time in Terraria mixed with a little story of my own. I believe my drawings back then were me pushing the limits I had with the mouse while using Flash Mx... yeah lol i still used Macromedia Flash Mx for all my drawings! That week went well, i received a ton of support from the friendly members at that forum.. but then something bad happened! actually it was just me being self conscious but when I saw other peoples comics and drawings at that time on the same forums...it hit me hard...."MY DRAWINGS SUCK D:<" yeah again, I am a person that easily gives up....I posted about 4 chapters before leaving my comic on a cliffhanger...I really gave up on it. Whenever I tried to draw..i just didn't get 'that feeling' I had...even if i forced myself to draw the end result is a pile of ... ... yeah 'that'. ughh...so there were 3 main things among the other things I was concerned about at this time...

I needed to greatly improve my drawings.
I need to actually plan ahead instead of rushing in without a plan.(i...i did that A LOT O_O!!!)
I...needed...new equipment and programs to use.

(the last drawing I ever did with a mouse using flash Mx...I decided it had to be a minecraft picture...)

It was April 26th 2012... my 17th birthday. Just like all my birthday's, I spent it alone since i never really thought of birthdays being special or anything, I asked my family to just treat it as any other normal day. I guess I 'did' spend this day a bit differently. I went shopping for once after finding out about wacom bamboo tablets and how useful they are for digital media and such. I went to JB Hi Fi
and bought the last bamboo tablet they had in stock (or so they said o_o). I went home and immediately installed the program bamboo dock to my laptop and begun using the drawing tablet.




 (first Paint Tool Sai drawing with wacom bamboo tablet)

yes, using it for the first time was INCREDIBLY confusing but I managed to understand its complexity in a few hours I also downloaded a new program for drawing 'Paint Tool Sai'. hmm i should note at this time, Terraria was well....becoming kind of dead and that some of the people who helped create Terraria were making a new game...Starbound. yeah I also abandoned my Terraria comic and started thinking up a story for an eventual Starbound comic...

               BAD IDEA MISOSOUP247 D:<

(again, I give up way too many times and most of them being because of a silly and stupid reason ._.)

I really regret not continuing my Terraria comic in the 5 months of abandoning it for a Starbound Comic.. although as of now, I AM currently continuing my Terraria comic... i just feel stupid for not trying and pressing on....Ill change from now on and in the future...in hope of becoming... wait...
i still havent decided what I am becoming in the future.... will i be a comic artist? wait what's going on why do i feel so confused all of a sudden why have I written all this... o_O !?!?!??!?!?!

Ah.....well I guess for now I will draw comics and bring laughter and enjoyment to you all!
thanks for reading... (hello...?)




oh and one last thing, I guess I should be showing what my drawings look like now! hehehe...(Im proud of what it looks like now compared to what it looked like 2 years ago!)

Final Thoughts
  (I would really appreciate if you visited my deviant art and leave a comment if you have a account...actually, I would encourage anybody to join deviant art, even if you can't draw you can always contribute by helping others, leaving a comment to say how much you like their artworks or telling them how to improve. Every little thing counts on giving some one that little boost... I wouldn't have
continued my Terraria comic if it weren't for the support I gained through the people I met over the 2 years on deviantart.) 


Well this was my first blog entry and it was really long...i really just wrote anything and it became mostly about how I became a comic artist...(hobbyist still :P)
I really didnt plan ahead about what I would write...so sometimes I guess you don't a plan and should just follow that feeling. Take care now guys!   


  1. Bad. Ash. Hi Miso c:


    1. Hello man! Sorry for late reply I don't really check my blog as often haha xD

    2. Sup Miso... Nice Story

